With over 4,000 classes taught and 1,000 hours of training, im here to share the heart of yoga with you—making it simple, approachable, and easy to weave into your everyday life.

5 Koshas: An Online Course: Discover the True Essence of Yoga

Take Your Understanding of Yoga to the Next Dimension -from Anywhere






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Are you tired of yoga practices that:

• Feel disconnected or surface-level.

• Cost a fortune for minimal guidance.

• Leave you feeling more stressed than centered.

• Are difficult to stay consistent with.

• Overcomplicate the simple essence of yoga.

• Lack depth in mindfulness and inner growth.

I am Stefania, founder of Stefania Zen Yoga...

After years of studying and practicing with world-renowned yoga masters, I’ve developed a deep understanding of the body, mind, and spirit connection through Yoga.

Now, I’m excited to bring you the ultimate course on mastering the essence of Yoga for inner peace, balance, and self-discovery.

This step-by-step course has everything you need to deepen your practice, find tranquility, and even share their newfound knowledge with others.

Learning deeply about yoga shouldn’t be overwhelming or expensive.

  • With my condensed course, you gain profound insights into the essence of yoga—without the fluff.

  • Skip the lengthy programs and dive straight into the heart of your practice!

  • Learn at your own pace, anywhere in the world.

So... what's so great about learning the 5 Koshas?

I’m so glad you asked!


MODULE 1 Annamaya Kosha

Also known as the physical sheath, represents the outermost layer of the human body according to yogic philosophy.

It is composed of the tangible, physical body, including muscles, bones, and organs. This layer relies on food and nourishment, and it is the aspect of ourselves that we most commonly identify with. Yoga practices help to balance and maintain this layer, promoting overall health and well-being.

MODULE 2 Pranamaya Kosha

Also known as the energy sheath, is the second layer of the human body in yogic philosophy. It governs the vital life force, or prana, which flows through the body and sustains its functions.

This layer includes the breath and energy channels (nadis) and influences both physical and mental well-being. Pranayama (breath control) practices help regulate and strengthen this energy flow, promoting balance and vitality.

MODULE 3 Manomaya Kosha

Also known as the mental sheath, is the third layer in yogic philosophy. It encompasses the mind, thoughts, emotions, and sensory perceptions.

This layer is responsible for how we process external experiences and form reactions. It is closely tied to our mental health and emotional state. Practices such as meditation and mindfulness help to calm and balance the Manomaya Kosha, promoting clarity and emotional stability.

MODULE 4 Vijnanamaya Kosha

Also known as the wisdom or intellectual sheath, is the fourth layer in yogic philosophy. It represents our deeper awareness, intuition, and inner knowledge.

This layer governs our ability to discern truth, make decisions, and understand ourselves beyond the surface level of thoughts and emotions. Through practices like self-reflection and meditation, we cultivate the Vijnanamaya Kosha, leading to greater insight and wisdom.

MODULE 5 Anandamaya Kosha

Also known as the bliss sheath, is the innermost and final layer in yogic philosophy. It represents pure joy, peace, and spiritual connection, often experienced during deep meditation or states of transcendence.

This layer is beyond the physical body, mind, and intellect, reflecting our true essence and the feeling of oneness with the universe. Cultivating the Anandamaya Kosha leads to a profound sense of inner bliss and fulfillment.

How will you access the course?

As soon as you complete your registration, you will receive an email with the details to log in to the course platform.

You will immediately be able to access the modules and log in as many times as you like.

Sign Up Today and Get The Complete Course at 40% 60%Off!

5 Koshas Complete Course

Normally  $200 USD 

Lowest Price Offered Before:  $80 USD 

Today Only $50 USD

or purchase each module individually

access a particular kosha


  • In yoga, "kosha" refers to the five layers or sheaths of the human experience, from the physical body to the deepest spiritual self. These layers are:

    1. Annamaya Kosha – the physical body or "food sheath."

    2. Pranamaya Kosha – the energy or "breath" body.

    3. Manomaya Kosha – the mental and emotional body.

    4. Vijnanamaya Kosha – the wisdom or intellect body.

    5. Anandamaya Kosha – the bliss or spiritual body.

    The koshas are seen as layers that cover the true self (Atman), and yoga aims to move through them to reach a state of inner peace and self-realization.

  • As soon as you complete your registration, you will receive an email with the details to log in to the course platform.

    You will immediately be able to access the modules and log in as many times as you like.

  • Yes, once you purchase the course you can access forever.

  • Yes, you can access the course without knowing much about yoga. The content is designed to be beginner-friendly, providing clear explanations of the five koshas and how they relate to the body, mind, and spirit. You’ll gain insights into each layer step by step, making it easy to understand even if you're new to yoga concepts.